About Pscribe

Pscribe is an international web-based e-learning platform for pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology education to improve, promote and support rational prescribing for medical and pharmacy students and nurse-practitioners who can develop and test their knowledge and skills in pharmacotherapeutic reasoning. The program is based on the WHO-6Step treatment model (Guide to Good Prescribing), a step-by-step approach to promote rational prescribing.

Pscribe is developed by 8 universities in The Netherlands and Belgium: University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Utrecht, University of Utrecht, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, University Medical Center St. Radboud Nijmegen, University Hospital Maastricht and University of Ghent. Another user of the program is the Leiden University Medical Center.

Development team

The Pscribe-project is developed by several people from different disciplines. Here you find a list of the most important projectmembers.

  • Adriaan van Doorn, University Medical Center Groningen
    Author & (inter)national projectmanager
  • Ben Janssen, Maastricht University, Pharmacology
    Teaching coordinator
  • Itte de Waard, University Medical Center Groningen, KFF
    Teaching coordinator
  • Gerrit Bijl, iChoice4U
    Pscribe ICT consultant
  • Paul Bijl, MAS•Outreach
    Technical developer

User settings

The Pscribe-system works best if used with the following settings:

  • Minimal Screenresolution: 1280 x 1024
  • Recent browser, Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 4.0, Chrome 20 or higher

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